Jenzabar Campus Portal Features Help Hub

Setting Up My Residence Information

J1 Desktop Setup
  1. Open the Student Life Configuration window.

  2. Click the Residence Info tab.

  3. Locate the Configuration Table row of What addr code is used for email for students in Res Life? The default Value is *EML. Enter the address code you wish the survey to use for email messages for students in Residence Life.

  4. Locate the Configuration Table row of What addr code is used for students in Res Life? The default Value is *LHP. Enter the address code you wish the survey to use for students in Residence Life.

  5. Save.

  1. Open the Session Definition window.

  2. Select the Show on Web checkbox for all defined sessions to be displayed in JICS. 

  3. Save.

Campus Portal Setup
  1. Log in as the Campus Portal administrator.

  2. Navigate to the My Residence Information feature.

  3. From the Admin Toolbar, click Settings. The Settings page appears.

  4. In the Residence Information Student Life Term drop-down list, select the default Year and Term (Session) for which residence information for the student will be displayed.


    This will only affect this instance of the My Residence Information feature. All other places where the My Residence Information feature appears will not use the same settings.

  5. Click the Save button.

  6. Click the Exit button.