Jenzabar Campus Portal Features Help Hub

Reviewing Workflow Documents


Information and features vary according to the roles to which you belong and the permissions associated with those roles. For more information, contact your module manager or your campus support team.

Opening the report view of a document allows for users with the appropriate permissions to interact with the document in the current stage. The Workflow toolbar displays at the top of the report while the audit trail display at the bottom of the report.

  • Manage for - This option is available for users that may have permissions to approve or reject the document on behalf of another approver. By selecting any option other than “Myself” in this box, the user will be performing actions as the user they have chosen. When this is used, it will be noted in the audit trail that the action was completed on behalf of that person.

  • Approve - Approvers can approve a document if no changes need to be made. If the responding approver is the last required approver in the stage, the document will move to the next stage in the track. If there are no more stages in the track, the document will be finalized and will remain in the database for review unless the parent form is deleted. If the approver is not a required approver, Workflow will only log that the approver approved the document and will not trigger any other events.

  • Reject - If any required approver rejects a document, it is immediately moved back to the previous stage. It only takes one rejection from a required approver to send the document back to the previous stage. If there is no previous stage, the document is marked as incomplete and removed from the track. An email template can be configured by an administrator to notify the original submitter that the document was rejected.

  • Save Changes - When an administrator defines the track, an approver can be given permission to modify the data in the form from the original submission if the original submission came from the FormFlow - Forms feature. After making any changes to the data on the form, an approver can click Save Changes to overwrite the data from the original submission. Any changes will be recorded in the audit log.

  • ReRoute - When the track is created, an approver can be granted permission to reroute a document to a different track. If this permission is granted to the approver, during review the approver can reroute the document to different approval track.

  • Add Comment - Adding comments to a document logs them with the document so that they can be reviewed as the document moves through the approval process.

  • Upload File - Uploading a file to a document attaches it to that document